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This Year More Trees Will Need a Deep Root Feed

This year a deep root feed may be more important to help keep you landscape healthy than ever before. Hurricane Sandy was bad because of the damage to homes and property but it also wreaked havoc on our landscapes and trees.

The storm came very early in the season when trees were still in the process of storing carbohydrates (food) for next year in their roots. The strong winds and in coastal areas salt spray from the water caused many trees to defoliate. In response they started to push out new leaves and used a lot of the stored food from their roots. This combined with an unusually mild winter and we could be looking at allot of stressed and unhealthy trees this growing season.

The term deep root feeding is really a misnomer when it comes to trees and shrubs. The roots that feed the trees are really in the top 4-8 inches of the soil. The term “Deep root feeding” is really just a reference to injecting fertilizer into the soil at a level that is ideal for the trees to be able to use it.

If a tree was already under stress this can be the beginning of the end. Stressed trees are much more prone to the countless numbers of fungus, insects, and environmental enemies they face on a daily bases. A deep root feed will provide your trees with a proper amount of the essential nutrients needed to maintain healthy growth.

Healthy trees are a vital part of any landscape. They provide shade, clean the air, protect homes and property from wind damage, and most importantly help reduce energy consumption. A mature tree may be over 50 years old so it’s not like you can just go out and plant a new one. It will take time to grow to the same size and beauty. Caring for the trees that are already growing on your property is a better option and will be less expensive in the long run.

The best way to know if you need a deep root feed is to have an ISA Certified Arborist inspect your property. They will be able to determine the best course of action and create a plan for restoring the health of your landscape. A healthy landscape is a beautiful one that can be enjoyed for many years. In the long run it is cheaper to protect your landscape then it is replace it.