Certified Tree Specialists

Sterling Tree East End Property Featured in Architectural Digest

Designer Juan Montoya was thrilled when two of his favorite clients finally bought a home …Read More

snow mold on long island landscape

Snow Mold on Long Island

In the late winter and early spring, as the lawn starts to come back, you …Read More

Deep Root Feeding Spring Lawn Care

Spring Lawn Care

Don’t let the cold winter weather take your mind off of your lawn and landscape. The warm spring temperatures will be here before you know it and it is never too early to start thinking about what your lawn will be needing.  The beautiful summer lawn starts in early spring …Read More

mildew lawn services sterling

Lawn Fertilization Programs Control Powdery Mildew

Warm winters means there has been a several month breeding period for fungus and mildew …Read More

sterling lawn services

Lawn Service Tackles the Fairy Ring

Another fungus called mycelium can be seen on many lawns by identifying a circular shadow …Read More

red thread lawn services sterling tree and lawn

Red Thread is a Fungus That Needs Lawn Spraying

If you notice your lawn getting brown and then bright red threads going through it, …Read More

lawn fertilization

Lawn Spraying and Fertilization Against Dollar Spot

When temperatures are warm and humid, many long island lawns will start showing ‘dollar spot’ …Read More

lawn service

How to make keep a lawn Green

Why Those Lawns Are So Green? Because they are Aerated! Lawn Aeration is using a …Read More

tree services long island

Organic Tick Repellent

Who wants a good smelling tick anyway? It has been known that rosemary oil is …Read More